For a full list of publications, please contact me via email. Here I only list peer review publications.

Single Authored Books
- Kovač, Igor. 2012. Post-Cold War Power Structure of the International System. Ljubljana: Ebesede.
Edited Volumes
- Kovač, Igor (ed.). 2018. At His Crossroad, Reflections on the Work of France Bučar. New York: Springer.
- Iztok Simoniti, Milan Brglez, Irena Jager Agius, Igor Kovač, and Ana Polak Petrič (eds.). 2015. Diplomatsko pravo: izbrane konvencije (Diplomatic Law: selected conventions). Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
- Kovač, Igor, and Karolina Praček (eds.). 2014. European Citizens for European Foreign Policy. Ljubljana: Slovensko panevropsko gibanje.
Peer Review Articles and Book Chapters
- Kovač, Igor and Norrin Ripsman. 2021. Material Sources of Grand Strategy. In Thierry Balzacq and Ronald Krebs (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Grand Strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 205–20.
- Kovač, Igor, Anže Burger, and Staša Tkalec. 2021. (Geo)politics of Universal Periodic Review, why states issue and accept human rights recommendations? Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(4), orab029.
- Kovač, Igor. 2014. EU in the struggle for Global Governance: Geopolitical Ethics. International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy, 2(1/2). Pp. 118−38.
- Kovač, Igor. 2012. In the long run we are all dead – Hey Keynes, what is long in the contemporary US case? Transition Studies Review, 19(3). Pp. 275−90.
- Gaiser, Laris, and Igor Kovač. 2012. From Bipolarity to Bipolarity: International Relations Repeating Again. Journal of Global Policy and Governance, 1(1). Pp. 49−63.
Book Reviews
- Kovač, Igor. 2019. Peaceful Accomodation: A New Research Program? International Studies Review. Pp. 324−5.
- Kovač, Igor. 2016. The End of American Order. Political Studies Review, 14(1). Pp. 78‒9.